changes for motorists

7 changes for motorists in 2021


The automotive future is moving towards an ecological transition. At the end of a difficult 2020 for manufacturers, they must now consider the new restrictions put in place by the government from the start of next year.

After the announcement of a reduction in the bonus on electric cars, the State then tightened the bonus/penalty scale, strongly aiming to reduce purchases of vehicles that emit too much CO2.

Reduction of the range of thermal engines, new range of hybrid vehicles, but also and above all 100% electric, such are the orientations of the automotive world.

Increase and news on speed cameras, speed limit on certain axes, increase in tolls, find in detail all the developments on the agenda for January 1, 2021.

The 2021 penalty

The government has presented the new finance bill for the penalty grids for the purchase of new vehicles , which will be implemented from January 1, 2021.

The main differences with the 2020 penalty are observed at the level of the triggering threshold for CO2 emissions per kilometer. This goes from 138 to 133 grams per kilometer.

The ceiling is now set at 30,000 euros compared to 20,000 euros in 2020.

The year 2022 will be even more marked by this evolution, with a grid that will start at 128 grams of CO2 per kilometer.

The 2021 ecological bonus

The government presented the new ecological bonus scale . With him, we also note an evolution, certainly less important than that which could be expected by the manufacturers.

The second confinement in France and the tendency to want to move towards ecology has prompted the government to postpone the reduction in 2021 bonuses. This change will only be implemented from July 1, 2021.

The new scales for electric cars put in place from July 1, 2021 are simple:

reduction of 1,000 euros, i.e. up to 6,000 euros on a purchase up to a maximum of 45,000 euros.

For a model between 45,000 and 60,000 euros in purchase price, the bonus will now be 2,000 euros, compared to 3,000 euros in 2020.

The aid of 2,000 euros will also be granted to vans and hydrogen vehicles over 60,000 euros.

Regarding the rechargeable hybrid , the premium will be divided by 2. It will increase to 1,000 euros and on the same conditions, that is to say a purchase of less than 50,000 euros and sufficient electric autonomy.

This drop should therefore not hinder motorists from switching to electric or a plug-in hybrid for the year 2021.

Speed ​​cameras on the rise

Since 2018, revenues from speed cameras have been in sharp decline. The reason, the “yellow vests” crisis and the destruction of many devices, but also the COVID-19 health crisis and less busy roads.

To fill this void, the government anticipates an envelope of more than 800 million euros in sums collected by fines for the year 2021.

To do this, radars are in real evolution and their change has been greatly accelerated in recent years.

The installation of new turret radars with invisible flashes, but also double-sided radars or even radar cars bring the number of automatic checks in France to more than 4,700 devices.

This regeneration and the amplitude of the radars deployed aims to reconnect with the revenue collected until 2017, while insisting on road safety and the activity of prevention adapted to each road described as dangerous.

The return of the speed limit to 90 km/h

The year 2020 has seen some departments regain a speed limit no longer at 80, but at 90 km / h.

2021 will be even more concerned. Many departmental presidents are setting up or are still studying the possibility of finding this speed limit.

Certain conditions must however be respected by the elected officials, including a study on the accident rate on the roads concerned, carried out in conjunction with the National Road Safety Council .

Some complete axes or a generalization on the whole department are being considered for several departments of our territory. Departments affected by this measure:





In total, many kilometers of road will find this imitation of speed restored to 90 km / h .

Declining electric car insurance

It is rare to take advantage of a reduction in premiums from insurance companies . The year 2021 should not deviate from this rule since insurers are planning a slight increase.

This increase may seem rather curious given the real decline in the number of claims in 2020 compared to confinement and less busy roads. But the insurers justify this on the highlighting of the increase in the purchase price for many spare parts for vehicles.

However, one category will be favored for insurance: electric cars .

In fact, with a view to increasing ecology over the years, the government is proposing the abolition of the special tax on insurance agreements (TSCA) for all vehicles registered from January 1, 2021. This project must be validated and adopted by the final vote of the 2021 finance law.

The price of tolls on the rise

The rather calm year 2020 on the roads will not have favored the maintenance of toll rates. An increase is planned , as every year, for February 1, 2021.

As inflation and the construction sites undertaken on the motorway network are falling steadily over 2020, certain networks such as the road network users’ committee are opposed to this increase in prices.

Average increase in toll prices on February 1, 2021: +0.44%.

However, this increase will only be minor and will represent the smallest increase in the last twenty years, and this for all motorway companies.

Winter tires compulsory in several departments

From November 1, 2021, vehicles must be equipped with snow tires to travel in 48 departments of France. The prefects of each department must draw up a list of the municipalities concerned by this new system.

The purpose of this new standard is to promote traffic in difficult weather on certain roads, as well as to preserve the safety of motorists .

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